Walking softly

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Posting this here to have it for reference. I loved tracking my own meridians as I watch it. Studying 5 elements Chi Nei Tsang has me so much more aware of these energy movements in my own body.

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Friday, July 07, 2006

We have had quite a storm this week here in the Baca. There were almost two inches of rain in a 45 minute period, causing road washouts and a serious problem for some unlucky car owner, as you can see in this photo by Kathryn Brady. My new home suffered little; actually it was good to find the water flow patterns now, so that we can mitigate for future flood damage. My son Evan is here, working on odd jobs on the house to help it toward its completion.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Here is a shot of the interior of my partly finished home. This view is from the kitchen, looking west into the living room. The unfinished walls
are where the solar radiant heat will be mounted. The solar panels in the shot below have circulating water which is then pumped through the house---radiant floor heat for the basement, and the radiant walls in the main floor and upstairs in the master bedroom/bath. This system is high-tech, and is taking frustratingly long to install, but will be worth it as there will be minimal energy bills for the life of the home.
My contractors are excited to be refurbishing a factory built home in this way--thinking that it will open a market eventually for more affordable conscious housing.
This is the south side of the house, gathering solar energy year round. We have an average of 320 days per year of sunshine which should be more than enough to keep me good and warm in the winter, and to fill my new big soaking bathtub with enough water to enjoy the view for long soaks.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Last week Damien decided to try a drastic change...
He is 14, and needs to show his individuality, as we all do. So...he decided to color his hair and
I volunteered to help. The first step was a peroxide......

I kind of liked this look. But what I liked is not what he was going for....
The next step involved a bright blue dye--it looked almost metallic when it was 'curing' on his hair.

This was a sticky messy mess. During the clean up process, we had a blue bathtub not unlike the Cat-in-the-Hat's pink bathtub ring--in that everything we did to get rid of it seemed to make it bigger and worse.

However, it all seemed to work out in the end. The result is this wild guy.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My techie friend Jay has been home alone for a week or so, and driven slightly more insane by howling winds and the other delights of a Colorado springtime, he has turned to forms of diversion in PhotoShop.

Here is his latest portrait. The resemblence is purely coincidental I am sure..

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

In the midst of the hassles associated with construction of my new home, I lose sight from time to time of the gratitude that I feel so deeply to be in this pursuit at all. I have lived in a total of 9 different rental homes since moving here to the Baca with my son 9 years ago. We have created a strong sense of stability in the larger community, in spite of our transience, but nonetheless, we have moved often. The opportunity to create my own home is such an overwhelming blessing, I can hardly express. I am so grateful for the rich variety of homes in which we have lived, for they each give perspective on the kind of home I want to create now. I am so grateful for the assistance I am receiving in building this home. My friend Tom has been generous beyond what anyone could expect in supporting me in this endeavor. Many people have lent their skills, support and positive wishes in this project.

I am truly blessed

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Now that the house is set, work is starting on another level. At this point, I am aware of the end in sight, which is a great reassurance, given what feels like an eternity to come to this point. There have been so many behind the scenes, and literally under the cement details to cope with, it is amazingly gratifying to look out the windows of my new home at my own views. I met with contractors at the site yesterday, discussing placement of recepticles, light fixtures, an add-on utility room and dozens of other details.
The home is very well built for a modular home--Barvista brand--and I would strongly recommend their line. It caused me no allergic reaction when I visited the factory which is a big plus, as I have tended toward environmental sickness. Contractors walking through the house with me have commented on the quality of construction. Other modular homes that I looked at ranged from tolerable to totally intolerable. With one line, I began to wheeze and get a headache just opening the front door. Many are made with various chemicals, plastics and other non-organic materials. My new home is stick-built, with standard construction materials and very high quality things such as cabinets and pine wood doors being standard.
I am working with a solar engineer to add in a solar hot water heating system to the home. Already there is a radiant floor heat system under the cement in the full basement. Now, panels will be mounted on the roof, and radiant 'warm walls' added to the upper stories of the home. THese will have the hot water tubing with adobe over the front of them to create a radiant heat source. I am so excited to have the earthiness of adobe walls, and the comfort of solar heat (no petrochemicals!!!)
It will be a little while longer before we can move in and it should be worth the wait!