Walking softly

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

In the midst of the hassles associated with construction of my new home, I lose sight from time to time of the gratitude that I feel so deeply to be in this pursuit at all. I have lived in a total of 9 different rental homes since moving here to the Baca with my son 9 years ago. We have created a strong sense of stability in the larger community, in spite of our transience, but nonetheless, we have moved often. The opportunity to create my own home is such an overwhelming blessing, I can hardly express. I am so grateful for the rich variety of homes in which we have lived, for they each give perspective on the kind of home I want to create now. I am so grateful for the assistance I am receiving in building this home. My friend Tom has been generous beyond what anyone could expect in supporting me in this endeavor. Many people have lent their skills, support and positive wishes in this project.

I am truly blessed


  • Anrahyah's contribution to her students, her community, and therefore her world, is wondrous to behold and deserves support. This is a rare person, indeed.

    By Blogger Tom Rampton, at 8:45 PM  

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