Walking softly

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Yesterday, I enjoyed sharing my new home with my friend Kathryn. She took these pics while we were there. As you can see, the half of the home we are standing on has still yet to be united with its other half, and finish work done. It is amazing though to walk through and have a fully finished kitchen, windows, doors, walls, ceilings, floor tile, etc etc all done, with no further decisions to be made. I notice how much there is to do in all these areas when you are building from the start. The basement portion is just begun, with a lot to decide as we go. Although my new upstairs looks tacky with plastic wrapped on two sides, I believe I am going to like it. (although I feel like a cold-footed bride the night before the wedding....have I made a grave mistake? what if it doesn't work out? will I still like it? I am not sure I do....this is a decision for such a long time. Can I back out now? is it too late? last summer he looked so handsome there on the sales lot, but now????)


  • This is a perfect title for your blog, it's wonderful to join this dialogue at it's beginning stages! You are supposed to have doubts, as the home buyer/builder! But i have NO doubt that this is a a very good thing, your new beautiful home in the Chalets. You need the space, comfort and beauty of a large, solid container for all the work you are doing and all the creativity and community that wants to form through you at this time. But it would be fun to do an entry on all the screaming doubts that meet us as we launch new projects, deepen committments, welcome change! AHHHHH!

    By Blogger Kathryn, at 6:09 AM  

  • Thanks Kathryn,
    I was just thinking of that unused basement...an empty space to create a vision in? Maybe some of the projects we have talked about can have a start there? Thanks for your support.

    By Blogger Anrahyah, at 4:38 AM  

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