Walking softly

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Here is what it looked like, the crane suspending my new home over the basement. What a day it had been, a long cold Colorado winter day--wind, sun, driving snow, etc. Some friends came forward to save the early day when we discovered that the sill plate needed to be added to the foundation at the last minute. The very expensive crane was sitting, primed to go and this last minute detail needed attending to. So, Steve and Jay came and volunteered a few hours to make it happen. At one point, I think there were 22 guys working together to make my home a reality.



  • I love the idea of 22 workers and friends swarming around the place! Don't know much numerology but isn't 22 a number of completion?

    By Blogger Rosana Hart, at 1:55 PM  

  • It is really nice to be able to see your new house coming together, after all the planning and uncertainty. Great bunch of pictures that show the whole process. Keep the blog going, so we can continue to share the excitment.

    By Blogger Kelly Hart, at 6:31 PM  

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