Walking softly

Monday, April 10, 2006


Last week Damien decided to try a drastic change...
He is 14, and needs to show his individuality, as we all do. So...he decided to color his hair and
I volunteered to help. The first step was a peroxide......

I kind of liked this look. But what I liked is not what he was going for....
The next step involved a bright blue dye--it looked almost metallic when it was 'curing' on his hair.

This was a sticky messy mess. During the clean up process, we had a blue bathtub not unlike the Cat-in-the-Hat's pink bathtub ring--in that everything we did to get rid of it seemed to make it bigger and worse.

However, it all seemed to work out in the end. The result is this wild guy.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My techie friend Jay has been home alone for a week or so, and driven slightly more insane by howling winds and the other delights of a Colorado springtime, he has turned to forms of diversion in PhotoShop.

Here is his latest portrait. The resemblence is purely coincidental I am sure..